TRAN votes decisively on CT Directive
The Transport and Tourism Committee (TRAN) of the European Parliament has voted on the amendment of the Combined Transport Directive (92/106).
A decisive majority of the TRAN Committee adopted the compromises developed under the coordination of rapporteur Daniela Aiuto and with material input by shadow rapporteurs Claudia Schmidt, Isabella De Monte, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Jakup Dalunde and Kosma Złotowski.
The original Commission proposal will be improved by the following main points:
- The fixed distance of a Combined Transport road leg will be 150km, within which operators will be free to use the terminals of their choice;
- The maximum allowed fixed distance may be exceeded – with due justification in case of road-rail Combined Transport – to reach the nearest terminal offering the required services to deal with the cargo shipped and the type of loading unit used;
- Some evidence if not available during a roadside check conducted as part of enforcement can be presented within 5 working days to the relevant authorities;
- The equivalent legal status of international road haulage and international combined transport operation has been safeguarded;
- Member States should offer incentives to investment into terminal capacities and they should offer at least one additional aid measure to combined transport operations;
- Semi-trailers, when used as intermodal loading units in unaccompanied combined transport, may be positioned using road vehicle combinations with a gross weight up to 44 tonnes.
The next step towards completing the CT Directive amendment must be taken by the European Council, and specifically the Austrian Presidency. UIRR will continue to support the European legislators to enact the amendment by April 2019.