ERTICO announces new LogistiX hub to revolutionize digitalisation in data exchange
At ERTICO’s annual Think Tank event today in Brussels, where representatives of the ITS industry gather to share the latest ideas in smart mobility, Dr. Johanna Tzanidaki, Director of Innovation and Deployment announced a new platform currently in development for a trusted data exchange in supply chain and logistics.
The idea of the platform was born during the EC Horizon 2020 project AEOLIX. ERTICO responded to the need expressed by several partners for the creation of a hub for innovation, deployment and business development. The new LogistiX hub will be a knowledge and business incubation centre, which will help companies to become more competitive with regards to logistics and supply chain services using digital technologies. It will offer a catalogue of leading edge ideas, solutions, networks and compliance testing thus enabling the optimisation of international end to end data visibility of the supply chain. LogistiX hub will be formally launched at the ITS Congress in Copenhagen, 17-21 September 2018.
Partners interested in participating can contact: Kujtesa Hajredini – k.hajredini@mail.ertico.com.